Professor Richardson: Slaying the Minotaur: Navigating the Equitable Apportionment Labyrinth to Create an Equitable Policy to Guide Water Management
4/27/2023 | Journal of Environmental Law & Litigation
Professor Peck: Standard Oil, Consolidation Coal, and the Roots of the Resource Curse in West Virginia
10/11/2021 | West Virginia Law Review
Curfews and Tear Gas: A Recap of a Weekend of Protest in Appalachia and America
6/1/2020 | 100 Days in Appalachia
Professor DiSalvo: Climate Change Disobedience
2/25/2020 | University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy
Professor McGinley: “Yielding To The Necessities Of A Great Public Industry: Denial And Concealment Of The Harmful Health Effects Of Coal Mining”
6/10/19 | William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review
Professor Amy Cyphert: Prisoners of Fate: The Challenges of Creating Change for Children of Incarcerated Parents
4/16/19 | Maryland Law Review
Professor Weishart: Long Overdue: An Adequacy Cost Study in West Virginia
4/8/19 | White Paper
Professor Weishart: Rethinking Constitutionality in Education Rights Cases
3/7/19 | Arkansas Law Review (forthcoming)
Prof Weishart: An Adequacy Cost Study: The First Constitutional Priority for West Virginia Schools
Jan 31, 2019 | WVU Law
Professor Beety co-edits new wrongful convictions reader
11/19/2018 | WVU Law
Patrick McGinley: Which WV senators will have the courage to preserve independent judiciary?
9/29/2018 | Charleston Gazette-Mail
Valena Beety: Prison Labor is Modern Slavery
9/6/2018 | The Globe Post
Jennifer D. Oliva: Health care, lives will be affected by Supreme Court choice (Gazette)
7/23/2018 | Charleston Gazette-Mail
Jamie Van Nostrand: Here’s why Trump’s new strategy to keep ailing coal and nuclear plants open makes no sense (The Conversation)
6/6/18 | The Conversation
Protecting a Federal Right to Educational Equality and Adequacy
4/28/18 | Book Chapter forthcoming with NYU Press
Jamie Van Nostrand: To draw jobs, WV needs ability to give manufacturers a break on electricity (Gazette)
4/29/18 | Charleston Gazette-Mail
Joshua E. Weishart: Teachers across America are striking because courts are shrinking from the school funding fight (LA Times)
4/8/18 | LA Times
Joshua E. Weishart: Focusing on the 'unlawful' teacher strike is missing the point (Gazette)
3/1/2018 | Charleston Gazette-Mail
Professor Ellis discusses the meme of voter fraud in the Alabama special Senate election
1/2/18 | Race and the Law Prof Blog
Engaging Health Insurers in the War on Prescription Painkillers
12/1/17 | Harv. L & Pol’y J.
Engaging Health Insures In the War on Prescription Painkillers
9/1/2017 | Harvard Law & Policy Review
Discovering Forensic Fraud
9/2017 | Northwestern University Law Review
Professor Peck on Importance of West Virginia Voters in “Rethinking our Civil War on Trade
6/18/17 | International Trade Law Prof Blog
Access, Affordability, and the American Health Reform Dilemma, Part III: How an ACA Repeal Would Devastate Appalachia
2/29/17 | Oxford Human Rights Hub
U.S. Senate Unveils Health Care Bill Designed to Dismantle the ACA
6/29/17 | Oxford Human Rights Hub